17 Feb 2011

pretty girl rock

My name is WANY, I'm so very
Fly oh my it's a little bit scary
Boys wanna marry looking at my derri-
erre, you can stare but if you touch it I'ma bury

Pretty as a picture
Sweeter than a swisher
Mad cause I'm cuter than the girl that's witcha
I can talk about it cause I know that I'm pretty
And if you know it too then ladies sing it with me

All eyes on me when I walk in,
No question that this girl's a 10
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful
My walk, my talk the way I dress
It's not my fault so please don't trip
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful

Aye, now do the pretty girl rock rock rock
Do the pretty girl rock rock rock
All my ladies do the pretty girl rock rock rock
Do the pretty girl rock rock rock
Now where you at?

If you're looking for me you can catch me (pass by)
Cameras flashing
Bet he turned his head just as soon as I passed him
Girls think I'm conceited cause I know I'm attractive
Don't worry about what I think, why don't you ask him?

Get yourself together don't hate (never do it),
jealousy is the ugliest trait (don't ever do it)
I can talk about it cause I know that I'm pretty
And if you know it too then ladies sing it with me

All eyes on me when I walk in
No question that this girl's a 10
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful
My walk, my talk the way I dress
It's not my fault so please don't trip
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful
Don't hate me cause I'm beautiful



the tears, it wont stop falling again. fuck lah

p/s : i got lebam as cenderamata. sangat thank you

13 Feb 2011


Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering you own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task a new

10 Feb 2011

for those

Ekspresi emosi basi sendiri lari meninggalkan diri ini

Bagi aku, kalau orang tu pelik adalah hal mereka sendiri, not my concern. Tapi bila, aku tak pernah tegur orang tu pelik, so kau jangan lah gerdik nak menilai aku. Mak bapak aku tak pernah kata pelik pun, kau pulak melebih. Duhhh benda remeh lah

You and me can never be comparable okay ! aku tahu limit aku dan kau jangan berlagak like we are bestieyyy. At least, I have done that. Apa kau pernah buat? Judge peoples and being supportive in a hypocrite way? Word for you, backup singer will never be same as the singer, the singer stand out in front of the crowd no matter how awkward it feels, backup singer stays behind. So backup singer dont deserve to critic the singer, mind that ye. Kalau, tegur elokelok tape lah jugak :|

I never feel proud of myself, just that I dont like the way you talk to me, its full of underestimating, you dont know me that well yet.

Dan, of course aku boleh terima teguran tapi benda remeh tak perlulah, banyak benda penting lagi kau boleh tegur. Terima kasih lah.

Terasa ye? Bukan kau lah ! :)

9 Feb 2011

yang terkini

aku dah gemok lagi ! oh tidak !

ada gigi dengan tiada gigi ?

tajuk entry sangat meminta minta merayu habis nak pakai braces. uhhh :)
anis tag saya lagi [tapi saya tak masuk contest ye :)]

bila gigi dipamerkan :) semileeee
bila gigi disorokkan

orang duk habaq muko realiti dengan gambo lain bebenor. ? yola, eden asyik wat muko jo, memang laah sobab nyo eden tak roti la sonyum ayu. ahahaha golak jo pandey -__-" (paham?)

p/s : cincin gmbar first tu hilang !!! giloooo lah! dah la aku sayang cincin tu :( sedih gila

6 Feb 2011


kak anis comel telah tag saya :)

contest blackwhite pic
if i win, nak blackberry please XD
(padahal gambar kita tak lawa and tak layak masuk contest, sorry tak tag sape2. heee)

p/s : gambar dengan yana ? haha

3 Feb 2011


i am now understand that sometimes too much of playing will bring different expectations.

kadang kadang kita cuma nak friendly dengan orang tu, tapi orang tu layan kita lain macam pulak. tak boleh ke, kita just kawan. is it too improtant to have a partner? i wonder. if dia tak layan aku lain macam, kita boleh jadi kawan bergelak ketawa, wayyy more comfortable kann. sangat lah tak salah kalau niat nak approach tapi im just not ready with anything like that. aku respect kau sebagai kawan. bukan nak perasan, tapi i know how we talk as a friend friend. problem is, aku dah mula geli, okay tu tak bagus kan. i dont want to hurt you but if kalau aku terpaksa buat benda yang sengal. sorry

lepas tu, kadang kadang kita hyper. we just happy all the times. salah ye? bila aku hyper, orang cakap aku gedik pulak. how that? cakap kita ni mintak perhatian la whatsoever. tak pernah terdetik pun macam tu, seriously.

kesimpulan, kita tak boleh nak puaskan hati manusia yang tak pernah puas. so i decide that everything should be in positive thinking !
apa pun, well peoples... im just tooo HOT for yah. mintak maaflah ye XD