31 Dec 2009

the prescription

Have you ever thought that peoples actually never change. peoples always said that they change, but actually they're not. what makes the change is our feelings inside us. what we feels play out through us and do things so what we do is from the feels in our heart. that's why people always said that listen through your heart cos we do what our heart want us to do. feelings change every moment cos sometimes we happy and yet we sad and guess what we self make the change and we cant ever blame others cos beside ourself, who else can take very good care of our heart? no one right? i think im never trust anyone beside my mom. like me, i think i've been keep on keeping :D the feelings that i cant ever dream to get that. i thought, that the feelings cant be get rid but materially myself dont want to over the feelings cos i love the person. so, in the year of 2010 im declare that the person will slowly go away from my heart and apa lagi DH guy yang baru lah nanti.haha! bye old DH guy! i hope that you'll be happy in your life and im so blissful and had sunshine everyday since i've start loving you cos u make me dream in fairytale,bye.. so tonight gonna be my goodnight! haha and tomorrow will new beginning of my life.yeah i'll find new love and moment. and lastly, try to redha dangan keputusan spm nanti cos i've done the best, tawakaltu..:D and happy happy fresh year of 2010 bye seventeen! haha
-i love you

21 Dec 2009


huh, baru balik sehari dari kampung terus chow nak pegi singapore esoknya. sgt penat masih terasa tapi best dapat berjalan-jalan dari terperap kat shah alam tu -,-

ok i'll be back soon and get my driving license. yeah, enjoy! DH guy! i'll hunt you later ok! haha and selamat maal hijrah dan merry christmas! hohohoho >-<
-i love you

19 Dec 2009

malaysia mmg unique ok!

Malaysia sememangnya unik. kita sebagai rakyat malaysia harus bersama-sama meneroka khazanah malaysia yang sangat indah. ya, kita harus habiskan duit untuk cuti-cuti malaysia kerana barang malaysia murah dan berkualiti. haha bersemangat pula saya terlebih sudah.ok sebenarnya saya ingin bercerita lah nak kongsi-kongsi lawatan saya ke tempat-tempat menarik di Malaysia ni.maklumlah lepasan spm mesti berjalan-jalan goyang kaki bersuka ria sambil mengikis habis habisan duit yang ciput kat bank tu. byk juga tmpt yg telah dilawati. marilah...

penang -
yeah lets bikini ! haha

kelantan- home sweet home , "mari rama2 g paso khodijoh ney! beli2 gak! :D

terengganu - i've met my old friends! uhh miss them so much and i was so happy to meet them and finally i met my ex, kitorg bercakap je. byk btol topik and he said that i looked matured. hahaha" matang la sgt " bongok je :P

malacca - ya balik kampung! hoho. jln2 ngn nenek, kikis duit nenek. hahaha

-i love you

3 Dec 2009


Photography Pictures, Images and Photos

-i love u


sgt aktif dan dinamik
cepat bertindak buat keputusan tetapi cepat menyesal
sgt menarik dan pandai manjakan diri
punya daya mental yg sangat kuat
suka diberi perhatian
sgt diplomatik (pandai memujuk )berkawan dan pandai menyelesaikan masalah org
sgt berani dan tiada perasaan takut
suka adventure, pengasih, penyayang, sopan santun dan pemurah
emosi cepat terusik
try control the emotion
kecenderungan bersifat dendam
agresif, kelam kabut utk membuat keputusan
kuat daya ingatan
gerak hati yg sangat kuat
pandai mendorong diri sendiri dan memotivasikan org lain
berpenyakit disekitar kepala dan dada
sgt cemburu dan terlalu cemburu

sama kah? -love u

hey you !

u know what, we are so near to each other but i dont meet u and u dont noticed me. hey! *sigh i dont get it why u? hey! kau tau x,kau tu xlah hensem mne pn. kaya pn x jgk. pndai? :D but u makes me change so badly. sbb? haah u know why rite? - i love you